An extremely rare follis of Bohémond, leader of the First Crusade
Los 1358
CRUSADERS. Antioch. Bohémond I, 1098-1111. Follis (Bronze, 26 mm, 3.89 g, 7 h). Nimbate bust of St. Peter facing, wearing tunic, raising his right hand in benediction and holding cross with his left; in right field, Θ. Rev. Cross pommée, fleuronée at base; in angles, B / H / M / T. Malloy 1. Metcalf 47. Porteous 14. Extremely rare. Minor breaks in patina, otherwise, about very fine.

From a collection of Arab-Byzantine and Crusader coins, formed in the 1990s.

Bohémond, the eldest son of the Norman conqueror Robert Guiscard, was one of the leaders of the First Crusade and the founder of the long-living Principality of Antiochia. His coinage is extremely rare today, and the types are based on the official bullae which he used as Prince of Taranto in 1090.
200 CHF
3000 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 24-Sep-18, 00:19:00 CEST
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