A very rare and unusually attractive siliqua of Vetranio
Los 2581
Vetranio, 350. Siliqua (Silver, 19 mm, 2.76 g, 12 h), Siscia, 1st March-25th December 350. D N VETRA-NIO P F AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Vetranio to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM / SIS(pellet-in-crescent) Victory advancing left, holding wreath in her right hand and trophy over her left shoulder. RIC 265. Very rare and unusually attractive for this difficult issue. Minor edge chipping and with some light scratches, otherwise, about extremely fine.

From a Swiss collection of late Roman Siliquae.

Vetranio was the magister peditum of Illyricum when he assumed the purple in 350 at the request of Constantina, a daughter of Constantine the Great, to oppose Magnentius, who had deposed and killed Constans that same year. While some literary sources accuse him of mere opportunism, Vetranio's coinage suggests his loyalty to the house of Constantine and to the reigning emperor, Constantius II. By blocking Magnentius' access to Illyricum, Vetranio voluntarily stepped down when Constantius II marched westward to quell the rebellion. Despite Constantius II's reputation for extreme paranoia, Vetranio was allowed to retire peacefully in Prusa, Bithynia.
750 CHF
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