From the collections of R. Abecassis, Leu 81, 2001, 221, and A. Trampitsch, Vinchon, 1986, 199
Los 77
ARGOLIS. Argos. Circa 330-270 BC. Obol (Silver, 10 mm, 0.87 g, 12 h). Head of a wolf to right; above, ΣΙ. Rev. Large A; above, N-I; all within incuse square. BCD Peloponnesos 1081. BMC 91. Boston MFA 1227. Traité III 645 and pl. CCXVI, 17. A superb coin, beautifully toned and sharply struck in high relief, with wonderfully smooth surfaces. Tiny marks and very light doubling on the reverse, otherwise, good extremely fine.

From the collections of R. Abecassis, Leu 81, 16 May 2001, 221, and A. Trampitsch, Vinchon, 13 November 1986, 199.

The beautifully crafted wolf’s head on this obol - one of the finest representations of this predator in ancient numismatics - refers to Apollo Lykeios, the patron deity of Argos, whose epithet translates as Apollo 'the Wolf-God'.
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Ablaufzeit: 19-Oct-24, 06:00:00 CEST
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