An exceptional denarius of L. Staius Murcus, undoubtedly among the finest known
Los 146
L. Staius Murcus, 42-41 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19 mm, 3.95 g, 12 h), mint moving with Murcus along the Ionian Sea. Laureate head of Neptune to right; behind, trident. Rev. MVRCVS IMP Murcus (?), togate and on the right, standing left, placing his left hand on sword slung around his waist and raising female figure (Roma?), who kneels before him, with his right; trophy in background between them. Babelon (Statia) 1. Crawford 510/1. CRI 337. RBW 1782. Sydenham 1315. Very rare. An exceptional example, boldly struck and very well centered on excellent silver and undoubtedly among the finest known. Very minor doubling on the reverse, otherwise, extremely fine.

Ex Leu 13, 27 May 2023, 194 and previously from a European collection, formed before 2005.

Although L. Staius Murcus served as a legate and praetor under Julius Caesar during the civil war against Pompey, he later aligned himself with the senatorial faction following Caesar's assassination in 44 BC. Murcus was quickly dispatched to Syria, commanding three legions to suppress the mutiny of Quintus Caecilius Bassus. However, Bassus managed to hold out in Apamea until the arrival of Cassius in the East around 43 BC, at which point both Bassus and Murcus surrendered their forces to the conspirator. Cassius then entrusted Murcus with command of a fleet, which he effectively used to harass the forces of Octavian and Mark Antony between 42 and 41 BC. After the defeat of Brutus and Cassius at the Battle of Philippi in the autumn of 42 BC, Murcus aligned himself with Sextus Pompey the following year. However, their alliance eventually soured, leading Pompey to have Murcus murdered in Syracuse in 39 BC.

Murcus' rare coinage was likely minted shortly after the Battle of Philippi, during his campaign in the Ionian Sea as a rogue admiral before joining Sextus Pompey in Sicily in 41 BC. The depiction of Neptune on the obverse reflects this maritime role, while the reverse features classic Roman wartime imagery. The coins were clearly produced in great haste by unskilled workers, as evidenced by the crude style of the few known dies and the poorly manufactured flans. This makes Murcus' coinage one of the most challenging imperatorial issues to find in decent condition, let alone in the pristine state seen here.
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