Very rare
Los 3587
ISLAMIC, Persia (Post-Mongol). Safavids. Tahmasp I, AH 930-984 / AD 1524-1576. Shahi (Silver, 29 mm, 5.45 g, 4 h), 2nd eastern standard (AH 934-954), Mashhad, undated (around AH 935 = AD 1528/9). Shiʿa kalima within a dodecagon, ‘lā ilāha illā Allāh Muḥammad rasūl Allāh ʿAlī walī Allāh’ (‘There is no deity but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Ali is the friend of Allah’ in Arabic); in the margin, the names and titles of the prophet and the twelve Shiʿa imams, mostly effaced, ‘Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad al-muṣṭafā wa ʿAlī al-walī wa Ḥasan al-riḍā wa Ḥusayn al-shahīd wa ʿAlī zayn al-ʿābidīn wa Muḥammad al-bāqir wa Jaʿfar al-ṣādiq wa Mūsā al-kāẓim wa ʿAlī al-riḍā wa Muḥammad al-jawād wa ʿAlī al-hādī wa Ḥasan al-ʿaskarī wa Muḥammad al-ḥujjat khalaf’ (‘O Allah! Bless Muhammad the Chosen, and ʿAli the Friend, and Hasan the Approved, and Husayn the Martyr, and ʿAli the Ornament of the Worshippers, and Muhammad the Splitter [of Knowledge], and Jaʿfar the Truthful, and Musa the Forbearing, and ʿAli the Approved, and Muhammad the Generous, and ʿAli the Guide, and Hasan the Military, and Muhammad the Coming Proof’ in Arabic, with Persian forms of some of the names). Rev. Within an ornate central cartouche, ‘zarb-e Mashhad’ (‘Struck in Mashhad’ in Persian); around, the name and titles of the king, partly effaced, ‘al-sulṭān al-ʿādil al-kāmil al-hādī al-wālī Abu’l-Muẓaffar shāh Ṭahmāsb Bahādur Khān al-Ṣafawī al-Ḥusaynī khallada Allāh taʿālā mulkahū wa sulṭānahū’ (‘The Sultan, the Just, the Perfect, the Guide, the Governor, Abu’l-Muzaffar Shah Tahmāsp Bahadur Khan, the Safavid, the Husayni. May Allah, the Exalted, perpetuate his kingdom and sovereignty’ in Arabic). Album 2606. Zeno 39831. Very rare. Minor corrosion and some scratches, otherwise, very fine.
25 CHF
60 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 21:54:00 CEST
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