Cicero Minor, son of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Los 1168
LYDIA. Magnesia ad Sipylum. M. Tullius Cicero Minor, Proconsul of Asia, early to mid 20s BC. Diassarion (Orichalcum, 23 mm, 8.80 g, 12 h), Theodoros, magistrate. ΜΑ[ΡΚΟΣ ΤΥΛΛΙΟΣ] ΚΙΚΕΡΩΝ Bare head of Cicero Minor to right. Rev. ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ ΑΠΟ ΣΙΠΥΛΟΥ ΘΕΟΔΩΡΟϹ Right hand holding wreath, two grain ears and vine branch. BMC 13. RPC I 2448. Very rare and of great historical interest. Minor cleaning scratches, otherwise, fine.

Marcus Tullius Cicero Minor was the son of the famous Roman statesman and writer Cicero and Terentia. Born in circa 65 BC, Cicero Minor was studying in Athens under the philosopher Kratippos of Pergamon when his father was proscribed as an enemy of the state by Mark Antony, Octavian and Lepius and subsequently killed on 7 December 43 BC. The younger Cicero was pardoned by Octavian after the Battle of Philippi in 42 and participated in the latter's campaign against Mark Antony, whom he apparently blamed for the murder of his father. When Mark Antony committed suicide in 30 BC, Cicero Minor, now suffect consul, was charged by Octavian to announce this death to the Senate. The young politician continued his brilliant career under the first emperor, serving as legate in Syria, proconsul of Asia, augur and pontifex in the 20s BC. Unfortunately, the year of Cicero's death is not recorded, but his portrait survives in the very rare bronzes from Magnesia ad Sipylum, which were struck during his tenure as governor of Asia
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