Among the rarest of all Antoniniani of Postumus
Los 1220
Postumus, Romano-Gallic Emperor, 260-269. Antoninianus (Billon, 23 mm, 2.43 g, 6 h), Cologne, 266. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. SERAPI COMITI AVG Serapis standing left, raising right hand in salute and holding long scepter in his left hand; to left at feet, prow. AGK corr. 91 (R4). Cunetio -. Elmer -. Extremely rare. Minor flan crack, otherwise, good very fine.

From the Imperium Galliarum Collection, formed over the past 20 years.

This type is among the rarest of all Postumus' Antoniniani. Only eight examples are known, and this is only the second recorded example from this reverse die (the other, offered in Jacquier 42, 16 September 2016, 540, sold for 4600 EUR).
1500 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 25-Jun-17, 22:10:00 CEST
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